The Hampshire
Jam 'Jam' 2007 For
2007 the Village hall was double-booked, so after much searching
for an alternative venue the HJJ moved to the same venue as the
main HJ, the much larger and more expensive Millennium Hall.
This year there were more people wanting to play, so the rota
was extended to include 9 performers. As before performers
changed over at regular intervals, but these were reduced to 20
minute slots to fit everyone in.
After feedback from 2006 that one long session was too much for
people we decided to have a short interval at the halfway point
to give people time to peruse the CD stalls and avail themselves
of refreshments from the bar. 
also had the Electric Egg lightshow aka Hashtronaut providing
some fantastic lighting FX, which were mixed with some excellent
projections courtesy of Dave Gurr.
There was also a special guest slot for Ben aka Gliese 614 who
made his live debut performing during the intro section of the
Xan/Jez/Brendan slot.
Overall feedback from attendees was very good and we managed to
sell enough to tickets to cover the increased costs. Big thanks
to all the performers, Hashy for the lights, Dave Gurr for
projections and Phil for the
Unfortunately there were some problems with the mix levels for
the recordings so the set was not made available for release,
however, you can listen to streaming audio of some of the 2007 event at the Hampshire
Jam 'Jam Virb site
and the first slot, featuring Messrs Gurr, Sherwood and
Alexander has been released on the Omega Syndicate album 'Riding
The Revelations'.
Some feedback from attendees
First came the pre-Jam Jam on the previous evening. Nine
musicians playing non-stop improv (my idea of heaven) in
'batches' of three, each batch different from the ones before.
(Superb organisation by Jez Creek.) They were, in no particular
order, Jez himself (Modulator ESP), Xan Alexander and Dave Gurr
(Omega Syndicate), Steve Humphries (Create), John Sherwood (4m
33s), Norman Phay (Vietgrove), Stuart Judd ( Chromengel),
Brendan Pollard (Rogue Element), and Stephan Whitlan (K2
Stand-out moment #1 for me was the first set involving Stuart,
which was so spacy that I had to go out for a breath of air and
to get my head straight afterwards. #2 was the moment towards
the end when Xan stepped right out of character and laid down a
thumping dance sequence. (A similar piece was played at the
Starhenge official opening, and appears on the limited edition
CDR of that event: it may also appear on a future Omega
Syndicate release - if it does, rush out and buy it!) The
remainder of the evening is something of a (very happy) blur,
which I swear has nothing to do with the fact that there was a
bar on the premises! It was also great to catch up with so many
friends that we haven't seen this year, due to the moving thing.
(Marion Horrod)
Flt Lt Endorphin reporting back to the Officer's mess after
one of the best weekends ever. Flying helmet is well and truly
doffed to all you fine chaps on here for the excellent company
(yes, even you Dave "Atom Bottom" Gurr whose voracious
appetite has caused a shortage of farm animals in the Hampshire
area!) and of course the excellent music.
Whilst I enjoyed Volt and Free System Projekt on Saturday - I
still can't choose between them as to who was the best, Friday
was, for me, the highlight. Such a good vibe and the music
really hit the spot. Hashy - you done everyone proud with the
lighting, it was absolutely outstanding and, combined with the
DVD projections, has to be the best light show I've ever seen at
an EM gig and it certainly put Saturday's lighting to shame!
(Endorphin) The
HJJ was bloody brilliant. Sounded great all the way through to
my ears and given the amount of work before hand, the piles of
wires and equipment on stage and the added ambient sounds such
as the fire alarm you should all feel pleased with the result. A
real achievement, especially as you had not practiced it
together before the night!!!
Light show was stunning - my eyes took a little time to adjust
to normal lighting at the end. Was also nice to meet people and
put faces to names/avatars. You made me feel very welcome.
The Hampshire
Jam 'Jam' 2006
The idea for a jam
The seeds of idea for the pre-jam were sown back in 2004 when I
first attended Hampshire Jam 3 and was mildly disappointed to
discover it wasn't really a jam at all. It was a great festival
though and one which I would really like to play at. So when it
was announced that this year was most likely going to be the
last one, Steve Humphries and I tried to get on the bill (as
Astrogator), so when the final bill was announced and we weren't
on it I decided to organise something myself. The hardest part
was finding a venue, but luckily with a bit of help from Steve
Jenkins (HJ organiser), I got in touch with Liphook village hall
and managed to book it for the Friday prior to the main
Hampshire Jam. After that it was just a matter of finding
willing participants, making sure that they didn't bring too
much equipment and deciding on a bit of structure, to prevent it
descending into total chaos.
My account
Well, I've just had a great weekend, possibly the best 2 days of
live EM so far, with the Hampshire Jam and the preceding
Hampshire Jam 'Jam', or 'pre-Jam' or whatever.
Steve Humphries arrived at my house around 9 am, we had a bit of
breakfast and a nice cup of tea, packed his gear into my car and
headed off to Liphook at about 10:15
Steve and I made good time down to Liphook, arriving about 1:15,
got some lunch, did a bit of shopping and went to pick the keys
up early at 2:45.
I had a minor panic when I realised that I had forgotten to
bring my cheque book to leave the damages deposit. Luckily there
was a cash point nearby so I could get cash instead.
The village hall was excellent, perfect for what we wanted to
Everyone one got set-up roughly on schedule and we were ready to
go at 6:30, but waited 5 minutes for one of the audience, who'd
nipped out to get some booze.
Steve got to be MC and did the introductions and we got started
at 6:35 with John, Dave and Xan, who produced a most excellent
start to the proceedings.
There was another moment of panic when it became apparent that
in the rush I hadn't actually made sure everyone knew how things
were supposed to go, which was as one continuous set, with
the people on for an hour being the 'bridges' as the others
changed, so there was a bit off running around letting everyone
know. after this it all went pretty much to plan, which was
pretty amazing, so thanks to everyone for helping.
As I was on the door or organising most of the time I wasn't
playing the rest of the evening turned into a bit of a blur, but
wherever I was in the building I could still hear the music,
thanks to John's excellent PA, and I don't remember any bad
bits. Things faltered occasionally at the bridges as people
worked out what to play, but apart from that I thought it went
very well, and certainly exceeded my expectations.
We finished just before 10 and Stephan and Dave did Stephan's
infamous SF medley for an encore, which was very entertaining
Audience-wise we had about 15 and I all but made back the money
for the hall hire.
I guess a lot of people couldn't get away from work in time, or
only got a 'pass' for one night, or weren't sure about
travelling for what might be a bit of an unknown quantity.
Those that did come seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves and
included HJ organiser Steve Jenkins, Grant Middleton, a group of
Poles, an American, a Belgian and super EM fans Trevor, Dave and
I'd be happy to do it all again next year if there is a HJ6, or
even somewhere else if there isn't, if enough other people are
At the main jam on Saturday there was quite a lot of interest in
the 'fringe' event as everyone seemed to be calling it, so
hopefully it could attract more people if there's a next time.
the infamous rota
This is the glue that held everything together:
The rota was setup
so that everyone got to play with everyone else, without
everyone being on all the time. Everyone got an hour slot and a
half hour slot (except one) and it was the person doing the hour
slot who attempted to hold it all together at the changeover.
In the end Norman couldn't make it due to family commitments and
his slots were filled by Stephan Whitlan.
Listen to streaming audio of the whole 2006 event at the Hampshire
Jam 'Jam Virb site